Guest Post

We accept free Guest Articles and if you'd like to give me a cup of coffee, just $10 please :)
Before submitting articles to our blog, please read carefully the Terms and Conditions that you must understand so that we can approve the articles you submit.
If you feel interested and have an article that deserves to be published on our blog, please follow the following Terms and Conditions:
- The language of the article uses good and correct Indonesian. Not a translated article. If you use a translate article, we will not approve.
- The topic or niche of the article similar with topic of the blog. The topic is Health, Technology, Lifestyle, Socio-Cultural, Beauty, Sports, Travel, Finance and Education.
- The article has a word count of 1.000 words.
- Please provide your own image and match the contents of the article.
- The link is Nofollow link. If you want Dofollow link, Read Here
- The link is only 1 link and not a redirect link. Max you use 2 links.
- The link is a blog or website link or social media account link and video link.
- The article does not discuss matters that violate applicable laws or regulations.
- The contents of the article are the responsibility of the publisher according to the embedded link. The contents of the article are not the responsibility of the Blog owner.
- Articles published are the responsibility of the article owner.
- Each Guest Post is displays the profile of the owner at the bottom of the article.
- Other terms and conditions will be updated without prior notification.
Be a smart blogger and be responsible with the content you write.
Thank You,
Admin Digital Poin